80: 你会去抢那块石头
12 Jul 2023🥚 的深山悠闲濒死两日游. 法国的暴力抗议与家庭教育. 生命平等与利她主义.
- Netflix is silently killing its basic plan without ads
- 永和豆浆显然有非常复杂的商标纠纷
- 显然正新鸡排也不是台湾来的而且正新鸡排「2020年,正新鸡排在中国大陆有22,030家连锁店,成为中国规模最大的小吃连锁品牌」???
- 「力lì力lì才cái」
- 法国警方射杀一名少年,引发暴力示威。——竹新社
- 乔治·弗洛伊德
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine to Scrap All Episodes Written for Season 8, Terry Crews Says: ‘We Have to Start Over’
- Trevor Noah 讨论 George Floyd 死亡引发的暴乱
- 「法国人祖先都是『高卢人』」
- Race Policy in France: “Race is such a taboo term that a 1978 law specifically banned the collection and computerized storage of race-based data without the express consent of the interviewees or a waiver by a state committee”